I always think to my self that maybe it was my fear of being judged that turned me into an introvert, because I am a girl, a woman. You can’t change how people treat you or what they say about you. All you can do is change how you react to it. Be the sun in other people’s lives, even if your own sky is cloudy. I always say to my friends that in the midst of endings, there are always new beginnings waiting to unfold. It is my slogan: Miracles happens when you choose to put yourself first and we must accept the end of something in order to begin something new. This story that I want to share with you is one of my friends whose family made her to get married with a boy that is 6 years older than her.

It was Nov 6th that I heard the bad news..It was one of the worst day of my life. It was the time that I wanted to go to the school that teaches us secretly from the Taliban. When I reached the school, my friends were too sad and worried. Everyone was present in the class that we expect Zahra. Zahra is a beautiful, kind and an intelligent girl. I asked her sister where is Zahra? She did not answer me. I got worried and sad.

It was 3:00 PM, when someone knocked on the door. I saw Zahra, there was waiting for me to open the door. Suddenly, she hugged me and started crying. I told her to wipe your beaudiful tears and come inside our house. After we settled down with tea, she wanted to talk with me:

Zainab: Where were you my dear friend? You were not present in class today?

Zahra: I have many problems these days. I am so alone Zainab.

Zainab: What is the problem that makes you sad?

Zahra: 2 days ago, one of our relatives came and wooed me for their boy. The boy is too old. You know I am so unlucky. I am not old enough to get married with a boy that is 5 or 6 years older than me. He is 20 or 21 but I am only 15. I do not know anything about married life. I want to continue my education and be the proud of my country and my people. I want to be a doctor to do many services for my country and my people.

Zainab: But you are too young, you should not do this.

Zahra: Ah Zainab……I have no choice. My family are forcing me to marry him and say that I have to accept this.

Zainab: It is impossible, what is the opinion of your father? Is he with you or not?

Zahra: I said that I am so unlucky. My father died 2 yeas ago. I do not have anyone to support me and save me from this situation.

Zainab: What about your mother, brother or sister?

Zahra: It is their job. They do not want to hear my opinion. They do not listen to me?

Zainab: It is your life and you have to decide about your life. It is up to you, how to make your life and marry with who you want.

Zahra: hhhhh…..you know they behave like it is their life. If I say anything, my brother with slap me.

Zainab: Why are they doing this?

Zahra: you know the boy is so rich and they want me to marry him just for the money.

Zainab: oh my dear sister. You are faced with many problems! I can not do anything. If I could, I would. But unfortunately I can not.

She cried a lot and said many bad words about her mother, brother and the father that left her with thousands of pains. She said look at the others - they are all getting ready for a great future but I am getting ready to bring up kids for my husband. On that day, we cried a lot and prayed to Allah for help. I heard today that her wedding will happen tomorrow night. She says goodbye to her future and her dreams.

Letting go is not easy. It is painful. But one of the happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you can not change. The sea does not need to prove its breadth. Do not let what you can not do get in the way of what you can do. Every great journey begins with a single step. Start now and let your determination fuel your path to success.

Today, I promise that I will never give up and I will find for my freedom and save my future from darkness. I will never let anyone stand in the way of my goals and rights. It is not the end of my life. I continue continue continue on behalf of all unlucky girls in Afghanistan